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KIP Windows tracking records incorrect size KIPScript VS KIPGL
For KIP print tracking, we recommend using KIP integration for results. In the event that this is not available, some device configuration may be required to track as expected.
KIP drivers include support for two proprietary print languages - KIPScript (similar to standard PostScript) and KIPGL (similar to HPGL). KIP supports KIPScript, but not KIPGL. If your pages report as 8.5x11 when printing from your KIP, and KIP integration is not an option, you may need to change to KIPScript to track correctly.
Changing the KIP Output Format to switch from KIPGL to KIPScript, follow these steps:
1.Open the KIP driver settings on your print server
2.Click "Print Preferences"
3.Select "Printer Options"
4.Click "KIPScript" radio button
5.Click "OK"
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